In its fourth annual report on global nuclear weapons spending, the ICAN, a global civil society coalition, said that global spending on nuclear weapons has increased for the third year in a row as the nine nuclear-armed states — US, Russia, China...
Zhao Lijian: How nuclear-weapon states see the role of nuclear weapons in their national security policy and what kind of nuclear strategy and policy they make and implemen...
核武器(nuclear weapon),也叫核子武器或原子武器,利用核反应的光热辐射、电磁脉冲、冲击波和感生放射性造成杀伤和破坏作用,以及造成大面积放射性污染,阻止对方军事行动以达到战略目的的...
核导弹 nuclear-capable missile 洲际导弹 intercontinental missile 中程导弹 intermediate-range missile 远程导弹 long-range missile 中远程导弹 intermediate and long-range missile。 相关阅读 阅兵式 military review 入伍“预征” pre-recruitment 地面进攻 ...
中华人民共和国、法兰西共和国、俄罗斯联邦、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国认为,避免核武器国家间爆发战争和减少战略风险是我们的首要责任。 我们申明核战争打不赢也打不得。鉴于核武器使用将造成影响深远的后果,我们也申明,只要核武器继续存在,就应该服...
更多内容请点击:US biggest spender on nuclear weapons 推荐文章